EU4Ocean coalition advancing ocean literacy, strengthening communities

The EU4Ocean project aims to support the EU4Ocean coalition as it delivers the sustainable transition and transformation Europe needs to achieve ocean-related objectives.



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Marco Venosta Euractiv 09-10-2024 14:26 2 min. read Content type: Underwritten Euractiv is part of the Trust Project

The EU4Ocean project aims to support the continuation of the established EU4Ocean coalition as it contributes to changes in people’s mindsets and delivers the required sustainable transition and transformation Europe needs to deliver the ocean-related objectives and ambitions of the EU Green Deal.

Specifically, it aims to consolidate, strengthen and expand the three communities (platform, youth, schools) of the EU4Ocean coalition.

This includes increasing the number of coalition members and their diversity, as well as identifying and setting up conditions required for self-sustained communities in terms of strategy, governance, and financing.

It also aims to support the development of collective ocean literacy actions and projects at all (EU, sea basin, national and local) scales, in particular initiatives that mobilise members of the three communities and that have been able to access financing from different sources including from existing EU financing mechanisms.

At the same time, the objective is to strengthen the capacity in ocean literacy in general, and in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of (successful, individual and collective) ocean literacy projects and initiatives.

There is also the ambition to raise the visibility, the (societal and political) profile of, and (policy/financial) support to ocean literacy at different scales and for key (marine/maritime, environment, climate, education, youth, R&I) policies and stakeholders

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