Health literacy

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Cancer Biomarkers

Cancer biomarkers in the era of personalised medicine

Cancer biomarkers are molecules that can be detected in bodily fluids or tissues. Cancer biomarkers can identify people who have cancer or who are at risk of getting cancer.

Health 09-10-2013

Campaigners call for common EU strategy on health literacy

Est. 4min

SPECIAL REPORT / People who are well-versed in health issues make better lifestyle choices, avoid developing chronic diseases and lead longer lives. But with health literacy varying greatly across the EU, campaigners are calling for action from politicians.

Health 29-03-2013

Blueprint offers recipe for better health at work

Est. 5min

Corporations and academics have teamed up to back a blueprint to improve health literacy in the workplace, saying healthier lifestyles help employees and boost their productivity.

Health 10-10-2012

EU ‘running against the wind’ on health policies

Est. 3min

SPECIAL REPORT / Public health should become part of the common EU policies and legislation “in a very structured way”, argues Bulgarian MEP Antonyia Parvanova, rapporteur on the Transparency Directive aimed at speeding up the entry into the market of new medicines.

Health 16-12-2011

Online tool to challenge health illiteracy

Est. 3min

The European Commission next year plans to challenge poor health literacy levels in Europe with a new internet-based tool called Health in Europe: Information and Data Interface.